Rollers for 80 lb sliding door

Quick Learner from California
I'm hoping someone could answer a few questions for me.

I have a restaurant that has 5 large sliding doors for the front. Each sliding section is about 4'X9' and pretty darn heavy, I would guess they are close to 80Lbs each. One section has 3 sliding doors and one fixed panel and the other section has 2 sliding and one fixed.

I'm looking to replace the wheels again, I'm located less than a hundred feet from the ocean and the salt air corrodes them every few years.

The last time they were replaced, I didn't do it myself so I'm unsure if the person who changed them used the same replacement as what was previously installed, and that leads me to one of the questions I have concerning the diameter of the wheels.
Right now they are 1-1/4" but I'm wondering if they really should be 1-1/2". Considering how heavy they are and how far they have to roll.
It also seems like on the longer section two of the doors rub the track a little no matter how mow much I adjust the wheels.

Second question is about the wheels themselves.
What I have now matches the size of the 81-138 except the top is different. (I'll try to attach a couple pictures).

Lacking a solid top on the wheel set, will this be strong enough?
Also, I have plenty of room in the upper track for slightly larger wheels, would it be any problem for me to use the 81-095?

Thanks for any help you can give me.

A customer submitted photo of a sliding door roller.
marked 41781
6 Replies
Casey from SWISCO
Thanks for posting, Dave! Right now I have some good news and bad news for you. The bad news is, we do not carry a piece like this at this time. The good news is, we have located a possible replacement part and will post an update on the discussion board as soon as the part is online and available for you to view.

Thank you for your patience.
Quick Learner from California
Thank you very much for helping Donna
Could you tell me what the difference is between the replacement you located and the ones you stock?

Also, if it matters, the person who was helping me thinks the doors were more than 80lbs each.

I will be needing 10 of these if possible.

Casey from SWISCO
Hi Dave,
The new replacement rollers (81-155) will have the same solid top with a slot, like your original.
They have a 250 pound weight capacity so you should be good with the needed strength.

I'll post again as soon as they are available.
Casey from SWISCO
Please see new SWISCO product code 81-155, Tandem Roller Assembly, 1-1/4" Steel BB
Quick Learner from California
Thank you very much Donna for all the help and extra work you did for me.
I just ordered 10 of them and in the future I will use your company whenever I can.

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