I have a restaurant that has 5 large sliding doors for the front. Each sliding section is about 4'X9' and pretty darn heavy, I would guess they are close to 80Lbs each. One section has 3 sliding doors and one fixed panel and the other section has 2 sliding and one fixed.
I'm looking to replace the wheels again, I'm located less than a hundred feet from the ocean and the salt air corrodes them every few years.
The last time they were replaced, I didn't do it myself so I'm unsure if the person who changed them used the same replacement as what was previously installed, and that leads me to one of the questions I have concerning the diameter of the wheels.
Right now they are 1-1/4" but I'm wondering if they really should be 1-1/2". Considering how heavy they are and how far they have to roll.
It also seems like on the longer section two of the doors rub the track a little no matter how mow much I adjust the wheels.
Second question is about the wheels themselves.
What I have now matches the size of the 81-138 except the top is different. (I'll try to attach a couple pictures).
Lacking a solid top on the wheel set, will this be strong enough?
Also, I have plenty of room in the upper track for slightly larger wheels, would it be any problem for me to use the 81-095?
Thanks for any help you can give me.