Sash balance bath room window.

Home Owner from California
Thank you if you can please help. I need help finding this part, one side came off easily but part number hard to read. String broke on one side. I have two windows that are similar.
If we can find the correct part I will order four, two per window.
These windows may be around ten years old, white vinyl.
Appreciate if you can help.

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4 Replies
Emily from SWISCO

Hello, Robert.

My recommendation is the Series 380 or Series 385 based on what I see here. The best match will come down to the bottom shoe, specifically the depth of it. You'll have to measure as shown in the image below to determine the accordant Series. 

I'm afraid I can't make out the faded stamp so you may want to check the balance on the other side of the window for a clearer one. Those numbers will indicate what strength option you'll need to select for your replacements.

Comparison of the S378, S380 and S385 balance shoes.
Comparison of the S378, S380 and S385 balance shoes.

Home Owner from California
Thank you Emily for the quick response, looks like the numbers on the other channel balance appears to be 12-2 JF5 CMC and the measured distance of the two images sent measures 1 3/32, showing S385 15-004 as being our guy.

2 user uploaded images
Emily from SWISCO

Great! In that case, you'll want the S385-13 with the 1220 strength option. 

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