Screen Door Handle Replacement Needed for MasterPiece Sliding Door Model BD00020164

Quick Learner
I purchased the MasterPiece Sliding Patio Door Model BD00020164 in 2015 from Home Depot. The screen door handle is broken and needs to be replaced. I'm having difficulty finding a replacement handle and hope you can assist.
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4 Replies
Tom from SWISCO

I'm afraid that your handle is not familiar to us. You might need to go back to the supplier of the patio door. 

We do carry a surface mounted locking handle, our 83-006, but I'm not sure if it will work. Look it over and see what you think.

Quick Learner
Thanks for your response. I have gone back to the supplier (MasterPiece) and they changed their screen door handles. I'm a bit frustrated that I can't buy a replacement. They indicated that I would need to replace the screen door completely since that lock is no longer available.

I also appreciate your suggestion about your surface mounted locking handle 83-006. Thanks!

Tom from SWISCO

Ah, I'm sorry to hear that. It always stinks when a company goes that route. I wish we could find something closer, but the biggest issue for our research has been that outside handle. We just can't find anything like it. 

If you have any other questions, please let us know. We will do our best to help.

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