Screen corners

Quick Learner from Nova Scotia
I am looking to replace screen corners and I'm having a hard time finding the correct size. I wonder if you can help
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5 Replies
Quick Learner from Nova Scotia or Florida
I can have these items mailed to Florida either
Emily from SWISCO

Hi there!

Thanks for reaching out to us. It doesn't look like we have an exact match for this corner. Can you write out the screen frame thickness? That may help us narrow down some options. 

Quick Learner from Nova Scotia or Florida
5/16 inch
Emily from SWISCO

Thank you for confirming that for us. Unfortunately, we do not sell a match for the corner you're searching for. You're welcome to browse our selection for 5/16" thick frames here but we aren't optimistic. I am very sorry that we can't be of help with this repair; please let us know if you have any other hardware questions. 

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