Screen door latch

Quick Learner from New Jersey

I am looking for a a latch/handle for my creen door that broke. This the holes are 3 inch apart and is only on teh inside of the screen door as from the outside the frame is structured where you use your fingers on the frame to open the door.

Can you pl advise if you have something to replace this.

Thank YOu
User submitted a photo of a screen door latch.
5 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Thanks for posting! We are currently working on a possible replacement for this latch. In the meantime, can you confirm that the metal latch is in the right place? I think it should be sticking out the other side. Can you confirm?
Handy Person

Yes the metal is in the correct place however with teh angle you may not be able to see it but the "L" shape piece of teh metal is teh one sticking out.

Thank You
Tom from SWISCO
Thank you for specifying. We are currently working on something. I'll let you know as soon as we have something for you to look at!
Tom from SWISCO
Okay, check out our new 84-227 Sliding Screen Pull Latch Assembly and see if this will be a good replacement.
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