Screw or bolt for window hardware

Quick Learner from Chicago
Hello. Nothing is broken but the is a screw or bolt missing that secures the sliding arm in place which can be seen in the picture. It is a 12" square basement window the operates like a casement window crank open
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6 Replies
Bob from SWISCO

Hello there. There should be a stud that keeps the operator arm in place on that bracket. If it's missing, the best thing to do is just replace the bracket. Our 39-560 or 39-561 should be able to do the job. Take a look and see what you think.

Dimensions for 39-560
Dimensions for 39-560

Quick Learner from Chicago
Hello. that stud is there but in my picture, there is a grey metal piece that slides over the stud to keep the arm in place. it is this metal piece that is missing a small bolt or screw to keep that in place to then keep the arm attached to the stud.
Bob from SWISCO

I believe you're talking about the detach clip, the 39-105. This shouldn't actually require a fastener. It just needs to be clipped into place correctly. See the video below and let me know if this helps.

Quick Learner from Chicago
Ah...perfect thank you, that video clip sorted it, thanks!
Bob from SWISCO

Anytime! Please feel free to reach out if you had any other questions.

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