Searching for pella coil balance 250 sries

Quick Learner
May 6, 2021 12:42 pm
coil balance marked E for pella double hung 250 series
4 Replies

Emily from SWISCO
May 6, 2021 2:29 pm

Hi there!
We can help but we'll need to see an undamaged pivot shoe removed from your window, along with dimensions, to compare to our inventory. If we can identify the pivot shoe, that will tell us the coils and accessories that you'll need.

Quick Learner
May 7, 2021 11:33 am
Pella window Dimensions 33.25 in X 18.5 in pivot shoe swish 15-175 is identical dimension bathroom scale wt est= 10 LBS total # of coils two

Emily from SWISCO
May 10, 2021 9:55 am

If you'd like us to confirm if the 15-175 pivot shoe is what you need, we'd need to see your original pivot shoe removed from your window to compare to our inventory.
If you're sure that's what you need, you can place an order for the 15-175 on our website at your convenience.
If you have any further questions just let us know!