Shower Glass Door Robber of the bottom

Home Owner from Saint Cloud - FL
Hi, I'm looking to get a new robber which is installed on the bottom of the shower glass door, in order to avoid water runs out of the shower. I have attached a picture that I took from the shower glass door, it shows all info about.
6 Replies
Emily from SWISCO


Thank you for contacting us. I'm afraid this information doesn't tell us anything about the door. It only pertains to the glass, sadly. Can you show us a photo of the part in question? We may need more photos and information after that but we have to get a better idea of the part you're searching for first. 

Home Owner from Saint Cloud - FL
I just need the robber of the bottom.. 
Emily from SWISCO

I'm not sure what you mean by "robber of the bottom". Are you looking for some kind of rubber sweep? If so, we will need to see a sample removed so that the end profile is visible. In the meantime, you can find our selection of sweeps for shower doors here

Home Owner from Saint Cloud - FL
Yes , I'm looking for a rubber sweep, like the example 110-320but I throw the old one 
Emily from SWISCO

Unfortunately, we cannot confirm the right fit for your shower door without a reference to the original sweep. I am very sorry for the inconvenience. 

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