Silverline window locks

Quick Learner from Cincinnati

We have four Silverline single hung windows all about nine years old. All have two locks per window and all are broken. We need all replaced but I need to make sure I get the right parts. Please advise what to do.

4 Replies
Lauren from SWISCO

Hello, thank you for posting,

To further review, we will need to see pictures of the original lock to view the overall style. Please also provide the distance between the installation holes from center to center. From there we can review to determine if we are able to provide a suitable replacement option. Thank you! 

Quick Learner from Cincinnati

Please see the attached photo and let me know what I need to order.


1 user uploaded image
Lauren from SWISCO

Thank you,

Please start by reviewing the style and dimensions of the 90-278 or 90-274 lock and keepers to see how they compare to your original. Let us know what you think and if you have any additional questions. 

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