Simonton / Norandex Channel Balance

The window had a 2830 and 2850 stamp. I weighed the window sash on two different scales and it's 25 lbs. Per the sizing, I guess this should be 2840?
The metal-only channel length is 29".
I'm not sure on the balance top and shoes though. They are not winged. Please refer to the attached pictures for reference of existing.
The top looks like part 19-002.
The bottom depth is about 7/8". Part 15-029 is winged, is there a non-wing version?
Thank you!

Thanks for reaching out to us. There unfortunately isn't a non-winged version. I've never actually seen a 7/8" shoe without wings before. I think someone took a normal non-winged shoe and cut it down to the needed size, likely because they didn't have the right hardware. It even looks like an uneven cut.
We can still supply a balance with the 15-029 attached, but you would have to snip the wings off after you receive it.
As for your sash weight, if your precise weight if 25 pounds then you absolutely want the 2840 stamp. 2850 would be too strong. More evidence that whoever installed these balances was probably short on materials and was trying to make do. If you've ever found that these windows were difficult to close, that's why.
If this is something you want to try out, please let me know how many balances you wanted to buy and I will email you a purchase link and price quote that will let you add them to your cart. This will be for a 29" long balance with a 19-002 top, 15-029 bottom, and a 2840 stamp.

I'd like to purchase as recommended and give it a try. I'd like two right now for this window. If successful, I'll circle back for the other windows that present with similar issues.

Sounds good! I'll go ahead and email you a purchase link and price quote that will let you add 2 of these to your cart.

Just wanted to circle back - the channel balances for the above window worked great! The winged bottom was no problem. I believe you are correct in saying whomever installed these way back kind of worked with what they had and mixed / matched to make it "work".
I've been going through the other 5x windows and they are slightly different than the window we discussed already. These other windows are all 30 inch metal rails (instead of 29) with 2940 stamp, and winged upper top and winged bottom. Same window sash weight of 25 lbs.
I'm not sure if the first window was supposed to be a 30 inch metal rail, but the 29 inch works fine.
I'd like to purchase 10x channel balances (for 5 windows) that are 30 inch metal rails, winged upper top (I believe 19-005 ? picture attached) and winged lower (looks like 15-029). A 2940 seems like it would be appropriate to fit the rail length and window weight. If this looks good from your view, could you please send me a quote for these to purchase?

I'm happy to hear our balances worked out for you, though that is strange! I guess we lucked out with the other window, but if it works it works. I learned a long time ago not to mess with success when it comes to window repair.
All that being said, I'm happy to email you a new custom link for balances made to this configuration. For a 25 pound sash, the 2940 stamp should be perfect, as you picked out. I'll go ahead and send that your way now.