Single Hung Window Balance / window clip

Quick Learner from Florida
Hello, I am replacing my clips and window balances for my single-hung window. I just wanted to ensure  I was getting the correct parts before I purchased it. I have attached pictures of my clips and balance. I think the replacement part for my window balance is part number S351 and the top clip is Product Code: 18-061, 1/2" top sash clip, pennco.  Thank you. 
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2 Replies
Casey from SWISCO


Your channel balance resembles the S380-30 or S385-30, which have the same winged end fittings as your assembly. You’ll need to measure as shown below. The Series 380 has a 1" bottom attachment, and the Series 385 has a 1-3/32" attachment. You'll also need 2940 spring strength options for your replacement balances. 

Comparison of the S378, S380 and S385 balance shoes.
Comparison of the S378, S380 and S385 balance shoes.

As for the top sash guide, yours does not match the 18-061 but we will need to see an undamaged guide from the other side or an identical window to compare to our inventory. Thank you! 

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