Single pane sway coil balance

Home Owner from Surrey, Canada

I am located in Surrey Canada, and have contacted many companies to come and look at this window, and they were all telling me to replace it. I don't think that's the case as it seems that the coil balance on the left-hand side of the window is cracked. I feel it's a much cheaper fix than spending 2000 to fix a window. 

Can you please let me know what parts I would need to order this window? The company Sears that installed these window five years ago has gone bankrupt, so I can no longer contact them to see what manufacturer of windows they used. I am desperate, can you please help me find the correct part? Or at least direct me to a company here in Vancouver Canada that can help me? Thank you so much for your time. God bless.

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Emily from SWISCO

Hi there!

Thank you for reaching out to us. You shouldn't have to replace the entire window if the coil balance is the only thing that's broken. I just can't get a good look at your hardware while it's still in the window. Can you remove the pivot shoe from the window and show us some photos? It would also be a huge help if you could write out the thickness and width. 

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