Single roller assembly by Allen Stevens Corp

Home Owner from Georgetown, SC
Hello, I am searching for two replacement roller assemblies for my patio door. The doors were installed in 1977. Markings on roller assembly states "ALLEN STEVENS CORP WOODSIDE N.Y." and the numbers 60 49 in a circle.
Dimensions: wheel diameter is 1.25", assembly length is 2.75", assembly height is 1.125" (w/o wheel) and 1.25" (w/ wheel). assembly width is 0.75" (w/o tabs) and 0.875" (w/ tabs).
Also, the roller is secured to the door with a hex bolt (not pictured), instead of a screw. Thank you for any help you can provide.
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4 Replies
Bob from SWISCO

Thanks for posting. Allen Stevens is lout of business, but our 81-005 Roller might work as a replacement. Take a look and see what you think.

Alternate image for 81-005
Alternate image for 81-005

Home Owner from Georgetown, SC
Thank you, Bob. That looks like a perfect fit. Just ordered two from your website.
Bob from SWISCO

Sounds good! Let us know how you make out, and many thanks for contacting us. 

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