Sliding Door Lock Mortise

Quick Learner from SC
I need a lock mortise for my door, and either a new handle assembly since I can't find the turn latch pin and/or lock bolt since it never came with keys
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5 Replies
Tom from SWISCO

Hello! For your mortise lock, my recommendation is the 82-218. This should be perfectly compatible with your door.

As for the thumb lever and key lock, see our 82-107 and 82-310, respectively. You may find the video below to be helpful, as well.

Quick Learner from SC
It was too wide and long.
1 user uploaded image
Quick Learner from SC
I got the mortise lock installed correctly, now realize my thumb levers push pin is gone or was broke and it never had washers. Can you get just the push pin and washers, or does it come with the thumb lever82-107?
Tom from SWISCO

The pins and washers are unfortunately not sold separately, but they are included with the 82-10 kit, as seen below.

Dimensions for 82-107
Dimensions for 82-107

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