Sliding Mirror Door guide

Handy Person from Hannibal, MO
Need two of these at a minimum. Could not find any marking on them. Not sure if or how they might come off, but I was able to pop off the plastic part and move from one door to another to get it partially working. Not sure if that part is available by itself or the whole assembly is required. Please advise.
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4 Replies
Bob from SWISCO

Thanks for posting. I am afraid we do not sell the nylon guides on their own, but we likely can replace the entire guide. This looks like it might be an older version of the 23-021. Take a look and see if you think this could work for you.

Dimensions for 23-021
Dimensions for 23-021

Handy Person from Hannibal, MO
Thanks Bob. I did find the part number and it is DSH 50061. A search did not pull anything up on this so it must be obsolete. Mine are apparently biased for left or right sides and the 23-021 looks to be universal for either side. I'll just buy a couple and see what happens. Scott
Bob from SWISCO

Yes, many older product codes are obsolete and don't cross-reference to specific parts. However I'm fairly sure your 'one-sided' rollers were the older version that Cox replaced with the 23-021. So I think this is your best bet, but take a look and let us know if you have any questions.

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