My roller was not working correctly, and I noticed it was very loose in the door. When I removed it I see that the tip of the black plastic part in the door that slips into the slot on the roller assembly broke and is jammed in the roller assembly. Hopefully you can see this in the pictures. Can the black part in the door slot be replaced? I have not seen this part in any replacement part sites. Thanks, Jerry
Sliding Screen door roller issue

Home Owner
Jul 11, 2021 11:04 pm
3 user uploaded images
2 Replies

Casey from SWISCO
Jul 15, 2021 1:15 pm

It looks like the part of the corner that the roller attaches to has broken off. What we can see in your door looks similar to our 95-020. Take a look at the part, along with the rollers under the related items section of the product page, and see how they compare to your original hardware. Thank you!
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