Sliding door ID and track replacement

Quick Learner from Joliet, IL
Aug 22, 2012 10:07 pm
The bottom track on our sliding patio door is starting to shred apart. The house was built in 2004. The track is about 1 3/4 inches wide, with a centered rail. There appears to be one of those metal 1/4 inch round track covers over the rail which is also starting to shred.

The sticker on the top of the frame contains the following info: Mfr.: WND-1 A-L-I Validator
Series: Next Dimension Vinyl Door
Type: Sliding Patio Door

I am assuming I will also need to replace the rollers.

Any thoughts or direction in figuring out what door I have and what replacement track and rollers I might need would be much appreciated.
3 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Aug 23, 2012 9:13 am
Thanks for posting! It sounds like the track cover you're talking about could be our 80-102. Does that look about right? As for the track itself, do you think our 80-106 Sliding Glass Door Track could work for you? If not, could we see a few pictures of your existing track to match up?

Could we also see a few pictures of the roller? That will help us find a replacement.
Quick Learner from Joliet IL
Aug 23, 2012 5:33 pm
I will try to send some pictures of the door, track and roller as I am able, it is just that I don't have the camera and other accessories readily available to me to do so right at the moment.

The 80-102 would work for the track cover from the look of it.

Right now, I don't know how I would get the 80-106 to work for me--it seems to have the actual rail offset to one side. The track that I have has the rail centered within itself, and is also a bit wider.
Tom from SWISCO
Aug 24, 2012 8:13 am
In that case, I think pictures would be best. Let me know if you are able to get them to us!
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