Sliding door handle

Home Owner from Hawthorne, NJ
Hello, I have a sliding door handle that looks almost exactly the same as this one, including the distance between the screws. The handle broke and I am looking for a new one.

The difference between mine and this one is the lock. It looks like the latch in this one goes into the door frame . On mine, there's a long latch that kind of "grabs" the side of the door frame, if that makes any sense...

I'm attaching a picture--sorry for the bad quality. The latch is on the right in the picture. I don't know the brand of the door and can't find that information on the door itself. I think it's the original sliding door from 1984...

Do you know if I can still find a handle like this?

Thank you!
User submitted a photo of a sliding door handle.
2 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
It's hard to tell what you have based on the image, but based on your description, I think our 82-009A might be a good place to start. See what you think.
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