Sliding door security

Home Owner from Florida
Recently we have had some security issues with entry via sliding patio doors. I am looking for added security latches and other means of providing comfort for my family.

Some neighbors have installed J-Hook latches but they are not very attractive. (FYI--the tracks are on the outside so the broomhandle in the track is not effective)

Also, in some of the instances, the doors were lifted out of their tracks so any help there is also appreciated.
4 Replies
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Thanks for posting! How about our 80-006 Sliding Door Security Bar? Could this possibly work for you? Let me know what you think.
Home Owner from Florida
Dave--thanks for your response to my question. I don't believe you Security Bar will work. Let me try to describe--the doors in question are 4 panels with one effectively 'pushing' the other 3 sequentially into a pocked when opened. The track for the first slider is the one on the outside of the house with each other panel inside that one. If I understand the security bar installation correctly, there is no way for me to secure it such the the initial slider will be blocked by the bar primarily since it's track is the one that is furthermost outside. I hope that is understandable. Thanx for your response though.
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
I'm not sure then. Could you maybe use our 80-027? Or is this the unsightly "J" hook that you didn't want to use?

There may be a way to reverse install the 80-006 for outside sliding doors, but it's hard to say.
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