Need replacement wheel for sliding glass door circa 1970

Quick Learner
Need Replacement? These spin ok with no weight on them, but I would like
To replace them since they are out.
Del ENG Co, long beach California.

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6 Replies
Quick Learner
1 1/4 inch wheel
Tom from SWISCO


Thanks for posting. I think we can help! Take a look at our 81-003 roller. Let us know if you agree these are a match.

Quick Learner
81-033 Is what I Ordered, will see....
Quick Learner
81-033 Fit perfectly.!
The mounting hole gave me pause, as it was untapped.
However a self tapping screw worked well.
Kinda wish one was included , but hey saved $$ by
doing it myself! Thanks!
Tom from SWISCO

Awesome, glad to hear it worked out! Thanks again for your business and let me know if you need anything else.

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