Sliding screen door removal

Quick Learner from Western MA

The 84-074B roller looks perfect, but I can't figure out how to get the door out of its frame. The bottom roller adjusters are completely rusted and immovable (even after copious amounts of WD-40), the top rollers are as loose as I can get them, but there is still a good quarter-inch of door inside the frame when I lift it, and the door itself is up against the inside top of the frame. All the sites I've found say to "gently pry" the door out, but no matter how gentle I am that would break the fiberglass frame.

Not sure what I'm missing!


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4 Replies
Tom from SWISCO

I'm not sure if we'll have any magic trick to get these doors out. The process of removal is pretty much to adjust the rollers as much as you can to get clearance, and then pry the door out. That's pretty much all there is to it.

You mentioned that the adjustments on your bottom rollers are rusted, though. If you can't adjust the bottom rollers enough, I'm not sure how you're going to get the door out. The physics just won't allow it. If that is the specific problem you're facing, I recommend contacting a local professional to come out and look at it for you.

Quick Learner from Massachusetts
Thanks! I was afraid of that.
Professional from CA
If the door truly is too tall to remove, your best bet is probably to remove the mesh, tap the side rails off, and take the door out in pieces. At that point, if the top rollers are frozen, you may be able to replace them and fit the door back in. If not, you could cut down the height to something more workable. Or have someone else do it. This sounds like a pro job.
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