Slidnig glass door roller

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It is a plastic trolley used on glass sliding doors in hotel guest rooms.
User submitted photos of a sliding door roller.
8 Replies
Casey from SWISCO
Good afternoon! Thanks for posting. Before we can recommend an applicable replacement for this roller, I just need a bit more information. First, do they know who the door manufacturer was? Can you find any markings or numbers anywhere? What type of door is this for, exactly?

Finally, make sure to check at the bottom of the door, as there is most likely a housing to this assembly still stuck in the door base. I would like to see a few pictures of that along with some measurements.
Quick Learner
Trolley Length: 7cm (2.75")

Trolley thickness: 1.2cm (0.47")

Trolley height at center (without wheels): 1.6cm (0.63")

Trolley height at extremities (without wheels): 0.9cm (0.35")

Wheels thickness: 0.8cm (0.31")

Wheels diameter: 1.8cm (0.71")
Tom from SWISCO
Thank you for the information! I just have one last question: can you specify what type of door for which this roller is used? I can't tell if it's for a closet door or a patio door. Thank you!
Quick Learner

It is a plastic trolley used on balcony glass sliding doors in hotel guest rooms.

Best Regards,

Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Thank you. In that case, take a look at our 81-149 Stainless Steel Sliding Glass Door Tandem Roller and see if you could use that a a replacement.

If that won't work, we may need some more information. I'd have to know how your roller is installed in the door, as well whether or not there is another part or housing that goes with this roller.
Quick Learner
Good day,

There is no manufacturer part number, this item would need to be custom made.

Please advise if you are able to do so
Tom from SWISCO
Thanks for getting back to us. It may not necessarily have to be custom made. We could have a part that can act as a substitute. Before we can say for sure, though, we need to know how your roller is installed in the door, as well whether or not there is another part or housing that goes with this roller. Let me know!
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