Something to cover handle holes?

Home Owner from Massachusetts
Replacing broken handles on a two sliding panel shower. Original handles had a towel bar, which is now out of style. So replacing with simple handles. The 10-126 looks to work to replace on the outer side frames. (My door appears to be 1/2" width, so hope that is not an issue)

Any product to cover the holes on the overlaping center side frames of the two panels?
3 Replies
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Thanks for posting! As long as the hole centers match up, our 10-126 should work for you. If you just want to fill the holes in, you may want to consider using our 33-087 screw with our 70-087 rivet nut.
Home Owner from Massachusetts
Thanks for the advise, bought the handles and screw/rivet nuts. Elected to use the screw head out on the visible door edge. Can see the rivet behind.
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