Special Size channel balance

Quick Learner from Bethel Park PA
I am looking for 1/2 inch channel, 26 9/16" metal length side series 370 channel balances.

You seem to only sell balances measured to the inch.

Are other sizes close enough or do I need to replace the balances with the exact same length?
12 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
Thanks for posting in our discussion board.
That is an unusual channel length, but not unheard of. Before I can offer an applicable replacement, however, I just need a bit more information from you.

First, please confirm that you are just measuring the metal channel, and not including the plastic attachments.

Also, can you please tell me the number printed or stamped on the channel surface?

Finally, if at all possible, can you please upload a few pictures of the attachments on either end of your balance?
Quick Learner from Bethel Park PA
Here are the pictures.

The stamp is 2630v

Is it possible to replace the balances with a different length.
A customer submitted photo of channel balance attachments.
Quick Learner from Bethel Park PA
I've tried to post my pictures with no success. The metal part is truly 26 9/16" on the balances stamped "2630v". Others are 26 1/2" on balances stamped "2610:".

The top plastic pieces is 19-004, and the bottom 15-002 (per the Swisco.com site, for 26" series 370 channel balances).
Casey from SWISCO
Thanks for getting back to us with more details. We can have balances custom made on the half inch. I will email you a custom ordering link shortly.
Quick Learner from Bethel Park PA
I got the link for the 2630 parts. Thanks!

Would these work in place of the 2610's as well, or would a different order number be appropriate?
Tom from SWISCO
You will need to replace your balances with the original balance stamp, do not choose 2630 for your 2610 balances.

Will you need another customer balance order form? If so, just let us know what you have - or submit pictures if you'd like - so we can help you find the parts you need.
Quick Learner from bethel park pa
Please see my April 3 post.
Quick Learner from Bethel Park PA
OK, here's my summary of needs.

(10) 26.5" 2630's with 19-004 and 15-002 ends
(4) 19" 1720's with 19-004 and 15-002 ends
(4) 26.5" 2610's with 19-004 and 15-002 ends

You provided an order link for the 2630's, but it looks like I need links for the others as well.

Casey from SWISCO
Thank you for the detailed request! However, I did note one discrepancy concerning the second item you have listed, "(4) 19" 1720's with 19-004 and 15-002 ends."

A balance with a stamp of 1720 normally measures 18". Please confirm the length of your channel and let me know how you wish to proceed.
Quick Learner from Bethel Park PA
You're right, the 1720's are 18".
Casey from SWISCO
Thanks for getting back to us. This item is available online, see S370-18 and choose stamp option 1720.
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