Stanley closet track

Handy Person from Danville, CA
do you know if the 23-241 is used to replace a Stanley bottom track.
I have searched high and low to find one. If so do you have it in chrome?
thanks John

6 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Hey, John. The 23-241 has been used to replace Stanley tracks before, but I cannot say if this is an exact match for your own without seeing what yours looks like. Do your rollers have concave wheels? If so, then the 23-241 may be a good place to start. It can come in a Satin Nickel finish.
Quick Learner from danville, Ca
can you help with this top track
stanley door track is on bottom this is more like a guide
User submitted a photo of a closet door track.
Tom from SWISCO
How about something like our 23-246? Could that work for you?
Quick Learner from Danville CA
I took a look at that track.
It looks like that is used for a top rolling door correct?
It may work if the closet door can guide smoothly in the grooves.
Can you provide me the measurement where the closet
door fits into (width)?
Tom from SWISCO

Yes, that is the top track. Check out the dimensions below.

Profile view of sliding mirror door top track
Profile view of sliding mirror door top track
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