Storm Door Mortise Latch

Home Owner from Churchville, MD
I ordered a replacement Storm Door Mortise Latch from your website that appeared to be the closest to what I need, but it does not work. I have included a photo with the measurement of the original. Two questions:

1. Can I return the one that doesn't work?
2. Do you have a replacement for my original?

On the picture are the only numbers that I could find on the door (on the removable glass).

Thank you,
User submitted a photo of a mortise lock.
4 Replies
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Please see our 40-194 and let me know if this is a match for your existing mortise lock.
Home Owner from Churchville, MD
That is the one that I purchased and the screw holes lined up, but the hole for the handle pin and the hole for the deadbolt mechanism did not line up. I put it all together and the deadbolt could not be opened and the latch would not come out far enough to catch.
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
I'm having trouble finding a lock that matches your specifications. I find it strange that a manufacturer would make two of the same type locks with just that small difference in the back set.

The information you gave us is for the glass, not the door itself. Check to see if there is a label or tag on the edge of the storm door. Maybe that could give us the name of the manufacturer of the door.

Also show us the lever handle that goes with this lock set. That could help us identify the part you need.

Sorry that this lock did not work in your door, but maybe we can come up with a solution.
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