Storm door handle

Home Owner from Villa Park Illinois
Below, you will see a picture of our storm door handle taken apart.The very small latch piece above the handle is what has broken. You can see the tiny L section that has fallen off. There were also some small pieces of coil/wire that were also loose when I opened up the handle.

I'm thinking all we need is a new square latch piece or even just the tiny latch piece that the L piece is broken off of.

Would you have access to that piece?

The glass has the below marking on it but I don't know if that is the door info. Handle has no info.

Guardian ANSI Z96.1-2004
IB CFR 1201 Ii
Safety Tempered
SOCC2259 1/8UA
BS 6206:1981

Thank you!
3 user uploaded images
2 Replies
Casey from SWISCO


Unfortunately, we do not carry this exact handle set or the individual pieces of the latch that are broken in your photo. With that being said, take a look at the 40-058, which comes with the inside and outside handles, lock, and spindle. We can't make any guarantees but review the dimensions below to see if you might be able to adapt this to work for your application. Thanks for posting! 

Diagram of spindle for 40-058.
Diagram of spindle for 40-058.

Alternate image for 40-058
Alternate image for 40-058

View of the spindle of 40-058
View of the spindle of 40-058

View of the back of the handle of the 40-058 storm door handle set
View of the back of the handle of the 40-058 storm door handle set

Inside handle of 40-058
Inside handle of 40-058

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