Tab to Unlock tilt in broke

Quick Learner from Delaware
HOw to replace parts; The plastic corner tabs to unlock tilt in are snapping off.
How to get part and replace. 13 year old windows.
4 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
Could I see a few pictures of the part in question? That will help us locate a good replacement. Thank you!
Quick Learner from Delaware
Pic attached
User submitted a photo of a tilt latch.
Paul from SWISCO

Thank you. To remove these latches, first Tilt the window in and remove the sash. Lay the sash down flat and grab a slotted screw driver and hammer. Place the tip of the screw driver to the back of tilt latch and gently tap it with a hammer, knocking the latch out of the sash. You will break the lower tab that lock the tilt latch in, but since they're already broken that won't matter.

Once the old ones are out, take a look at our 26-243 and 26-244 top tilt latches and carefully compare those dimensions to your own hardware to see if they match. If not, let me know exactly how they differ.

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