The correct Spiral Balance for my window

Handy Person from Gainesville, GA
I just had the spiral balance break on our vinyl window. Based on the information on your page, I need the S900 3/8" 28" tube. My old one has a yellow tip with a plastic tube cover, but can not locate it on your page. I will need to order 4 of them since I plan on replacing both windows in the room. Is this the right series for my window.
4 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
Sometimes the red cap looks a bit orange and even slightly yellow but there is a yellow cap option sometimes. To make sure a yellow cap is what you need I am going to need the size and weight of the window sash. Take out the window sash from the window and weigh on a scale (bathroom scales work fine).
Quick Learner
Paul, The weight of the window sash is 18 pounds and the dimensions are 33.25" X 28.75" Hope this helps Fred
Paul from SWISCO
I did some research and the yellow tip which is not common for the S900 series turns out to be surprisingly strong for your windows. The yellow tip is for windows 26 to 34 pounds. For your windows you can use either the red or the green tip. The red tip is for windows sashes up to 22 pounds and the green tip is for window sashes up to 26 pounds. When the balance is too strong sometimes the window sash will lift up on it's own or be a pain to shut.
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