The spring is too strong on my channel balance

Handy Person from Malabar, FL
Nov 22, 2011 5:03 pm
I have pictures of the type balance I need but the spring is too strong. The window weights 30 pounds. The Id marking is 29 9 KW CMC 11 and the length is 30 inches. Can you suggest a replacement. I think the repair man used what ever balances he had on the truck. I have replaced many top sash guides that were damaged because the spring is too strong.
A customer submitted photo of channel balance attachments.
7 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Nov 23, 2011 10:14 am
Thanks for posting. Before we can offer any suggestions, we need just a little more info regarding your bottom attachment.

Please refer to the following chart and identify the part that most closely resembles your shoe.
Diagram on how to choose between the 15-001, 15-002, 15-004, and 15-005 channel balance shoes.
Diagram on how to choose between the 15-001, 15-002, 15-004, and 15-005 channel balance shoes.
Quick Learner from Malabar, FL
Nov 23, 2011 11:23 am
As to your question 15-005 is the correct bottom.
It is 1" wide with wings.
Paul from SWISCO
Nov 30, 2011 8:39 am
Thanks for the information. Please take a look at our S385-30 with a 2950 stamp option.
Handy Person from Malabar, FL
Dec 7, 2011 8:49 pm
I just put in two S385-30 channel balances. They appear to work fine but the spring is noisey when shutting the window. Did I miss something or is that common for replacements.
Paul from SWISCO
Dec 8, 2011 2:51 pm
I think that the issue here is that there is no knot relief hole in the jamb, so there is undue strain on the string. You will have to drill a new hole directly in the jamb where the knot is located to relieve it of the stress.
Handy Person from Malabar, FL
Dec 8, 2011 4:21 pm
Can you show me where the hole should be. There are two holes located where the hook goes and I have the hook located in the bottom hole.
Quick Learner from Malabar, FL
Dec 8, 2011 9:23 pm
After asking about the spring noise and receiving your comment about drilling a hole. I remembered there were two holes in the jamb and I had the balances in the lower hole. I moved them to the upper hole and now they make very little noise and work fine.

The ability to obtain advise on selecting and installing your products is invaluable. Later I will replace the rollers on my sliding glass door. Guess where I will order my parts from? Thanks, Paul.
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