Thermoview sliding patio SCREEN door rollers

Handy Person from Laguna Niguel, Ca
I am in search of some replacement rollers for a Thermoview sliding patio SCREEN door... In my search I found out that Thermoview inc is no longer in business... so my search has brought me to your site... I hope you can help me out... I have 3 screen doors... only need to replace rollers for one door... but if you have the rollers I would buy enough rollers for all 3 doors... for future use.

Any Help you can give me would be greatly appreciated...

Thank you,

User submitted photo of their Thermoview screen roller.
3 Replies
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Chris, take a look at the Swisco 84-074 Screen Door Roller. The 84-074 has a steel, concave roller. Personally, I have never seen this roller with a nylon wheel. The metal should work fine.
Handy Person from LAguna Niguel, Ca
Thank you for your help Dave.... I ordered 12... never seen nylon wheels... maybe that was a contributing factor as for why they are no longer in business... again thanks for your suggestion... I hope they work.

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