They are Sprouse Vinyl windows that have two 3/8 inch weep holes on the bottom
Quick Learner from Lindside WV
Feb 24, 2014 11:07 am
I'm having problem with ladybugs and flies and other bugs getting in my house. I think the weep holes are part of problem in windows. Do you sell weep holes covers that small?
4 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
Feb 25, 2014 10:44 am
They don't make covers for those holes. They are supposed to be open for drainage. I can't see how bugs can come through them, since it goes to an enclosed frame with no other outlet. The bugs might be coming in through some other way.
Quick Learner
Feb 25, 2014 5:36 pm
Ok thank you for the input I really appreciate it. I ordered. Some airtight baffles for my recessed lighting. Hopefully that works. Greg
Quick Learner from PA
Jun 1, 2017 7:31 pm
If you take your screens down and don't get them back on before Spring-Summer, you will get bugs in the weep holes, including wasps. Then when the window is cracked open and or IF the screen is put back on after they have nested, the bugs or wasps come out of the weep holes to fly around, look for food, build the nest etc. etc, ...but now can NOT get back outside due to the screen. You open your window to get some fresh the bugs or wasps have only one direction to go when they do come out...inside your home. The weep holes are supposed to be left open for drainage so you can NOT seal them. It's a maintenance issue combined with due vigilance depending on how you do or do not use your screens. IF wasps, never ever mess with them until night-time. Put the screen back in at night, spray some wasp-pesticide on the bottom of the frame, and shut the window all Summer. Do NOT try and flood the weep hole with wasp-pesticide...they may come out too fast and sting you. When the wasps do come out they will be trapped between the screen and window and the pesticide and will die. When cold weather returns in November or December with all bugs and wasps dead for the season...take the vacuum hose and vacuum out the weep holes. If you don't want the problem in the future... full screens that cover the entire outside of the window should be placed on in winter-time...well BEFORE Spring-Summer...well before anything can get in the weep holes to begin with.