Looking for this part, to go on a top track of a mirrored stanley sliding closet door. Unfortunately, this is for a rental property I own 1800 miles away in Illinois, and my regular handyman wasn't able to find a part to match at the local hardware stores.
Closest I could find on this site was this your 23-041 , which looks like it is only designed to work on the bottom. Might this work for the top too? Is there anything else I should consider that might work?
2 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Jan 3, 2013 9:13 am
Thanks for posting! No, the 23-041 can only work as a bottom roller. Have you seen our 23-027 yet, though? This looks just like what you have. Compare their dimensions and see if perhaps the 23-027 is what you're looking for after all.
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