Total replacement of hardware.

Home Owner from Stockton CA
I am looking to replace all the mounting hardware for my 96-inch bifold doors 1975ish (full-vu. Model 8433 Serial 861097
I just want to make sure I get all the correct parts or any missing parts. If any kits work, I have no problem replacing the tracks.
Thank you
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Home Owner from Stockton CA
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Jasmine from SWISCO

Hi Paul,

Thanks for writing in! If you can reuse your old track, then your pins can be replaced with the 21-048 Bifold Door Pivot, 21-049 Bifold Door Guide Pin, and 21-058 Bifold Door Guide Pin as replacements. Your original track would also use the 21-205 5/16" Pin Pivot Bracket.

Should you decide to replace the tracks, you'll also need to repair the door with all new pins and guides as well. The longest track length we have is our 72" track. Since your bifold doors measure 96", you'll need to use two of the 21-404 Bifold Tracks. To replace the pins you'll need the 21-002 for the bottom adjusting pivot pin and three of the 21-001 spring loaded pins (one for the top pivot and the other two for the top and bottom guides.

Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions you might have.

Home Owner from Stockton CA
Thank you for the fast response.
The opening is only 47 inches wide. It's 96 inches tall.
Jasmine from SWISCO

Okay, perfect! So then the 21-404 should work fine in place of your existing track. Keep in mind you may need to cut it down by an inch for the installation. 

Please be aware altered hardware cannot be returned.

Home Owner from Stockton CA
Thank you! I will order that track. Is there hardware to mount the track on the walls? My old track mounted to the side of the door opening. I would like to install it the same way. I am going to install a floating vinyl floor.
Jasmine from SWISCO

I'm sorry to say this track does not mount the same way your existing track does. If the brackets securing the tracks cannot be detached and reused, you may likely need to drill holes to install the new track.

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