Can the 39-205 replace the Truth crank 45240

Quick Learner from North St. Paul, MN
Apr 2, 2012 4:26 pm
I need three window cranks (to replace some that went missing) and was wondering if I can order the foldable window crank to replace a Truth part (45240) with a 6 under it. It is a Caradco window that had the regular cranks, but we want to install shades and thought it would be nice to have folding ones. Or do we have to purchase additional parts? Also - it there anyway to know the color. The old ones looked like a dark grey - I am confused between bronze and dark bronze. Please advise.
1 Replies
Casey from SWISCO
Apr 3, 2012 8:52 am
Thanks for posting! Please take a look at our 39-205, which is a foldable Truth Hardware crank handle. Do you think this might work for you?

As for the color, it sounds like you may be describing dark bronze, which was a popular color choice for Caradco. Without seeing your original, of course, it's hard to say, but the dark bronze color option is a more grayish-brown than regular bronze.
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