Truth window operator

Handy Person from Oxford, Michigan
The teeth on the gears on my truth window operator have failed. I can't close the window by crank. Looking to replace the whole unit and reattach it to my existing window. On the bottom of the gear box it reads 050699 03:39. The arms of the operator read 31881, 41010, 41016, and 41013
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4 Replies
Casey from SWISCO


Your operator appears to be a match to our 39-239B Encore operator, which uses the 39-536 pivot slide to attach the arms to the track below the sash. Take a look and see what you think. Thank you!

Home Owner from 15687
Need to replace 2 pieces at home
Tom from SWISCO

Hello! I'd be happy to help you find those two pieces. Before we can begin, would it be possible to see photos of the hardware in question? Seeing them unobscured and in undamaged condition would be the most helpful. Consider that the less we can see of the parts in question, the less likely we'll be able to find a match.

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