Trying to find replacement casement window weather stripping

Handy Person from Saint Paul MN
I have casement windows that were installed in 1970. The windows are in good shape and just needs replacement weather stripping. I have posted a pic of the weather stripping profile. It is very hard plastic and I am guessing it's because of the age.Was hard to remove. Can't find anything matching at any of the stores ie home depot.
User submitted photo of weatherstripping.
6 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Take a look at our Bubble Seal section. What's the diameter of the bubble portion of your seal?

I'm thinking the 58-055 bubble seal with angled base looks like a close match, but I can't quite tell if that's how your seal was designed, or if that is just a deformity.
Handy Person from Saint Paul MN
The bubble part is compressed from age, it's elasticity is pretty much gone, it's probable more shaped like a tear drop. Bottom portion is what goes into the 1/8 to 1/4 inch groove in the wood window and is shaped like a "V".
User submitted photos of weatherstripping.
Tom from SWISCO
What is the diameter of the bubble portion of the seal?
Handy Person from saint paul MN
mesures approx. 3/8" x 3/16"
User submitted phot of bubble seal.
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
I think our 58-055 is the closet replacement to your original weatherstripping.
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