Trying to replace this Operator

Handy Person from USA
I call you this morning (5July) and you suggested I send pictures of the dual arm crank (Operator) I am trying to replace.
I need your folks to confirm your model 39-140 is similar in size to mine.
Photo #1 is what it looks like in general
Photo #2 has a width (as the user faces it) of 5 1/16 inches
Photo #3 is the height of the finished piece that extends through the sill. It is 1.0 inches
Photo #4 is the "depth" of the entire piece including the plate that is secured to the wood sill base. It is 2 11/16 inches.

I can be reached by email or cell phone. I only need the 2 operators, 2 crank handles (39-114L) and 2 sash brackets (39-170)
in white, if yours fit.

User submitted photos of a window operator.
7 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Hey, John. Do you have an undamaged operator I can look at? The 39-140 appears similar, but without seeing the arms I can't say for sure what you have. Let me know.
Quick Learner from Indianapolis, IN
What dimenstion concerns you? The channel that the extension arms sit in is 29 inches wide at least. Model 39-140 looks like it could fit. Can you confirm?

Tom from SWISCO
When folded, the arms of the 39-140 are 16-1/8" long, elbow-to-elbow. If you think that would work in your window, then it would definitely be a good place to start. However, I cannot guarantee that it will work. You will have to use your best judgement.
Casey from SWISCO
You may also want to look at our 39-015, 39-083, and 39-143 as possible replacements.
Quick Learner from Indianapolis, IN
I still need to know if any of these choices meet existing dimension outline in my initial question. Then I need to know the difference between the models just suggested.
Casey from SWISCO
All of the suggested operators meet the outline in the initial question, which is why we recommended them. However, we do not know which one will work without seeing the rest of the operator.
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