Tubmaster shower door parts

Home Owner from Hagerstown, MD
I need 8 Roller Assembly Wheel & Brackets which were identified on TubMaster Parts List as "B" Roller Item 19.

I need 4 Lead Post Guides "B" Item 20.

I need 4 Hinge Guides "B" Item 21.

These are for a folding TubMaster Door which also bi-passes when the doors are unfolded. This door was purchased in 1998 and installed in a new home. Please advise me if these parts are all available and the cost. Thank you.
3 Replies
Casey from SWISCO
I just wanted to let you know we are working on getting the needed replacement Tubmaster shower door parts for you. I will post again as soon as they are available or we have more information.
Casey from SWISCO
The item number 19 is SWISCO product code 10-137, Tubmaster Roller Assembly.
Unfortunately both the item 20 and item 21 are discontinued and no longer available.
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