Thanks for posting, and for the pictures! I hope I can help.
Based on the damage of this balance, you may have to get a whole new unit. The pulleys for this hardware are not available separately. Before I can recommend an applicable replacement balance, however, I would first need to see the piece attached to the end of the string. Please send a few more pictures of that piece and I can work from there!
Thanks again, Paul.
It looks perfect, but I do not see what it is that changes with the option A, B, C. Since the stamp on my UNIQUE-brand balance has a C in it (30-C-30), is that all I need to worry about? Or do I need to see how C differs from A or B?
Cheers, - Mike Balistreri
The stamps indicate the window sash weight that the balance can carry. The 30C stamp can carry 19 through, and including, 24 pounds.
Please keep in mind that the weight range information is based on 2 balances per sash. Balances are designed assuming friction in the jamb weather-strip will carry a portion of the sash weight. Suggested sash weights are approximate.