I have a Vetter Casement Window opener that appears to have stripped gears. It is a Entry Gard opener by Truth. There is also a number (20810) stamped into the metal. I don't know if this is a part number or something else. You can see all the stampings in at least one of the photos. I am hopeful they still make this part, or something that I can install that will work. I have an awning window that also needed replacing some years back, and I was able to replace the entire mechanism myself. Just let me know. My name is Mark
Vetter Casement Window Opener
Hey Mark. I believe you might need the 39-032 Dual-Arm Operator. Review the dimensions below just to confirm it matches what you have; if anything differs, let me know by how much, and I'll see if we can find something better. For a new cover and handle that works with this assembly, see the 39-107 and 39-114L sold separately. Let me know if you have further questions.
Thanks Bob. I think the specific part you designated will work. Unfortunately, that specific opener mechanism is out of stock right now. I went ahead and listed myself to be contacted once they are available again. I did have one question. How hard is it to attach the part to the existing hardware? There looks like there are clips on parts of it, but I don't quite understand how they disengage. Will there be instruction with the mechanism once I receive it? Please let me know when you have a minute. Hopefully, the part will become available again shortly.
Thanks so much again Bob
Attached please find a photo of the Window mechanism clip I noted in the preceding e-mail thread. I'm trying to figure out how to release it once I get the new part.
Thanks again,
Hello, Mark. I have no doubt that our 39-032 will be compatible with all your existing hardware. I'll share a video below that shows you how it installs in a window just like yours. That should be of some help.
As for this clip, you need to use a screwdriver to push it back. That will disconnect it from the pin and allow for easy removal.
You're welcome! Please feel free to reach out if you had any other questions.