Vinyl window latches

Handy Person from Wilkinsburg PA close to Pittsburgh
Found absolutely nothing on hardware. They did come apart easily as predicted by youtube videos. Might you have replacement latches for these vinyl tilt windows. Time has not been kind to the windows. To me, windows and doors working and latching as they should, well, that just makes my day. Thank you in advance for helping me fix these and get these working as they should.
4 user uploaded images
4 Replies
Casey from SWISCO


We'd be happy to look into this for you but the tilt latch shown in your photos is too damaged to identify. To get started, we'd need to see an intact latch from another window, preferably uninstalled. In the meantime, you're welcome to look through our selection here. Thank you! 

Landlord from Wilkinsburg PA close to Pittsburgh
The little tab just snapped when I tried to remove it. Hopefully, you can come up with a suggestion. I did find a number on the back of the one part. I am looking forward to fixing these windows. A local shop replaced the broken glass, dropped them off after hours, done the next day, put back outside for afterhours pick up the next day ! The one window was broken for at least 7 months, maybe a year ! Thank you for any help you can provide me.
2 user uploaded images
Casey from SWISCO

Thanks for getting back to us. Your latch resembles the 26-408 but the dimensions will be the determining factor. Take a look and let us know if you have any other questions. 

Alternate image for 26-408
Alternate image for 26-408

Alternate view of 26-408
Alternate view of 26-408

Alternate view of 26-408
Alternate view of 26-408

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