Vinyl windows from a house built in 1997.

Home Owner from Michigan
Sep 3, 2014 8:38 am
I have the spring with compound pulley design on 5 windows. 9 of 10 pivot brackets were snapped off, as seen in the attachment. The design of this pivot seems extremely weak, especially given how much spring tension I have on the balancers. Is there a chance these balancers were installed with too much tension to begin with. These windows when they did work always seemed tight to me, but now that I've had them apart I think that it was the spring load I was overcoming all along.

2 Replies

Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Sep 4, 2014 3:01 pm

I can't locate an exact pivot like the ones you show in your photos, but take a look at our 17-093 pair and see if they could work on your window.
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