Wasco Replacement Parts
Thanks for reaching out to us. Your first step should be to check the track and rollers for any signs of damage or wear. It's also a good opportunity to clean and lubricate them; in a best case scenario, your door will operate properly after that.
In a worst case scenario, either the track or rollers will need to be replaced. Let me know if that's the case in either event and we can proceed from there. Just note that we will need to see your rollers fully removed from the door in order to identify, since I don't know what Wasco used. I also can't guarantee that we'll have a match even then, but I'll at least be in a better position to judge that when I see them.
Sure, we actually have a couple videos that may be of assistance to you. I'll associate them below for your review.
Ultimately, I would rate repairing a patio glass door as a higher intermediate level task. If it's something you've never done before, you may want to consider professional help. It would be worth it to save yourself the headache. You will at least need an extra pair of hands, minimum.