Sliding Door Weatherstripping

Quick Learner
I have a sliding door (SDG-R30-96X96) and the strip that runs from top to bottom on the outside of the slider located just in front of the handle need replaced. Can you give me a part number to order a new one?
4 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Thanks for your question, Mark. I'm not finding any relevant information by cross-referencing that SGD number you sent. The SGD (sliding glass door) code is more relevant to the door and glass than to any of the individual parts. If you send some pictures of the part you need to replace, we can try to identify it. Please update us.
Home Owner from California
Here is a photo of the weather strip I'm looking for.
User submitted photos of wool pile.
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Thank you! Looks like you need wool pile. I'm just not sure what kind. It would depend on the size you need. You can see our entire selection here.
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