WeatherCraft Window Coil Balance

I'm hoping you can advise me on what coil balances I need to fix my window. See photos above. The window is a WeatherCraft. It appears the coil balance snapped which is why they are no longer connected. I don't see a weight on the coil balance however, the shoe says H-446. Thank you so much for your time!

Hey there,
Thanks for reaching out to us! Your coil balance shoe looks a lot like the 15-141 Coil Balance Shoe. To confirm that this is the right fit, carefully review and compare the dimensions shown below. This shoe is of limited supply, and will be discontinued once we deplete our supply, so it may be a good idea to purchase a few extras.

This shoe is compatible with the Series 150 Coil Balance. I'm sorry to say that I am not able to confirm the exact coil weight you need based on this stamp. That said, I'll need to know the exact weight of the sash to determine this.
You may also need the 15-143 Coil Bushing, 15-144 Coil Bushing Cap, and 15-145 Coil Support Barrel to replace the cover.
Please feel free to reach out with any questions you might have.

I'm sorry to say that I would not be able to confirm, with certainty, whether or not there is a 6 or 9 on the balance. I am inclined to believe it is a 6, given your reasoning, but there is always a chance this could be incorrect. That said, I would suggest weighing the sash to confirm the spring you need.
If the sash is 12Lbs, you'll need the S150-6; if it is 18lbs, you'll need the S150-9.
I hope this helps!