Marvin Wood WIndow Weatherstrip

Home Owner from Lancaster Pa
I have Marvin wood double-hung windows installed in 1988 and need a replacement strip for the bottom window. They have an extension that is 1/4" and what appears to be a flattened bulb not filled that is 1/2" flat. The extension fits in a slot at the window bottom.

Also you state your strips come in 25ft increments.....does that mean a Qty of 1 equaLS 25FT?

thank you.
User submitted a photo of weatherstripping.
5 Replies
Home Owner from Lancaster Pa
I believe the original marvin strip was a V192......part no 15900058.

Does your 58-055 match?
Paul from SWISCO
I can't say for sure without seeing the profile of your weatherseal. Carefully go over the shape and dimensions of the 58-055 to confirm if these details are the same as yours.

A quantity of 1 equals 25', yes.
Home Owner from Lancaster Pa
Paul--here is a profile.....I am guessing the "bulb" is now flat. ? Thanks
User submitted a photo of weatherstripping.
Paul from SWISCO
Great, thank you! It is possible that your bulb compressed over the years with use and age. Now that I see its profile, I actually think our 58-055 is a good match. I know it will be hard to compare dimensions due to the condition of your own seal, but you should still be able to get a general idea of how they match up.
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