Weep Hole Cover Help
Thanks for your patience.
I understand your frustration. Weep hole covers are a big thorn in the side of many, many customers who have come to us. I'm going to tell you the same thing I tell everyone: odds are, you aren't going to find the weep hole cover you need. Window manufacturers will make a weep hole that's a specific size and shape, then either go out of business or discontinue that window entirely. That makes it very hard for companies like us to supply you with what you need.
But there's still hope. You have two options ahead of you. First, you can go hunting around at local mom and pop shops that may have older hardware lying around and hope they have what you need. I call this "dumpster diving." It's a gamble, but I've personally had some luck with this when I've been in a pinch.
Or you can just go with our 26-186. I love this part because it completely side-steps the biggest flaw with weep hole design, which is that they must be made to a precise size and shape in order to conform to the hole. This isn't a concern with the 26-186. The only thing you have to do is drill a hole on either side of your existing weep hole for those plugs you see on our part. The 26-186 will then just pop right in.
It's a one-size-fits-all solution that I think will save you a lot of headaches. The only extra work you have to do is drilling those holes, but I think it's worth it.
Is there a chance it won't work? There's always that chance. This industry can be weird, and I learned a long time ago that window manufacturers don't have any foresight at all when it comes to replacement hardware. I can't predict if your window is the one outlier out of thousands, so there is no 100% guarantee. But I can tell you that the 26-186 has had a lot of success in this kind of situation and that there's a good chance you'll have success with it, too.
Let me know what you think or if you have any questions. We're happy to help as best as we can.
You're welcome!
Let us know if there is anything else we can do to help you.
The little flap you see on our 26-186 closes during good weather, which keeps insects out.