What Length of 3/8" Spiral Balance to Order

Handy Person from Illinois
Aug 3, 2011 2:32 am
I am trying to place orders on S900 series of Spiral Balance. The existing old spiral balances are exactly 27.5" in length (from the top to the tip color - without count the length of the tip). I can't be wrong - since I measured them several times and on different ones. They are all the same - exact 27.5". What length should I order - 27" or 28"?

Many Thanks,

9 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
Aug 3, 2011 10:36 am
This sounds like it is going to be a custom balance order. If your tube length is on the 1/2" you cannot simply go up or down a 1/2" on the tube length of the replacement balance.

I need two measurements.

1) Tube length (do not include the color tip): 27.5" (correct?)

2) Internal Spiral Length: (measure from complete top to the bottom of the spiral)

Please send us some pictures if you are not sure what to measure.
Handy Person from Illinois
Aug 3, 2011 3:04 pm
Dear Paul,

Thanks for the quick reply. Here attached pictures (with the ruler in the middle) display the length of both the Tube (27 1/2") and Internal Sprial (28 3/4"). The window company is ALCOA. I believe the balance is a standard one, not the customerized.

Hope this help to identify what length of the parts I should order.

User submitted photo of spiral balance.
Paul from SWISCO
Aug 5, 2011 10:46 am
If you're balance tube diameter is 3/8", you will want to use the S900-28 balance. The spiral will be 29" long to cover your 28 3/4" spiral, and the tube length is 28", which should not interfere with your window.
Handy Person from Illinois
Aug 5, 2011 5:05 pm
Dear Paul,

Thanks a lot for the confirmation. Yes, my tube is 3/8" in diameter. I will order the balance S900-28 along with accessories.

Handy Person from Illinois
Aug 6, 2011 3:10 pm
Dear Paul,

Thanks again for information. I sent you two emails started from late last Friday. Please just read this one, which covers all my addtional questions listed below:

1. On Aug 3, I tried to place an order on S900-28. There was an option to choose the blue tip balance with $0.5 additional cost. I didn't complete the order on that day since I had the question on the length. After I read your answer above and tried to place the order, the option for the blue tip on S900-28 is not available. How can I order the S900-28 with blue tip? My old, existing spiral balance has the blue tip as displayed in the picture above. The window weight is about 20 pound. What is the weight bearing range of the red tip and blue tip? In case the blue tip is not available, what color tip should I order - red tip or green tip?

2. Besides the S900-28, I am also going to order Balance Screw Plug 26-200. Then what screws should I order to mount S900-28 into 26-200?

Thanks a lot,

Paul from SWISCO
Aug 10, 2011 11:32 am
Allan, after looking at your photos again, it really looks like you have a Series 600 balanace (5/8" diameter).

Can you confirm the diameter of the balance casing?

Also, can you please give us the weight of the window sash? This will help us determine the color (weight support) of the balance replacement.

Moving on, if you are using a 26-200 Balance Screw Plug, the screw would be the 33-016 #8 x 1" SS Installation Screw.
Handy Person from Illinois
Aug 10, 2011 4:55 pm
Dear Paul,

Thanks for the info. I attached pictures with the measurement of the diameters for the balance casing and tube. The balance tube is 3/8". The balance casing (the window slot to slide in the balance) is a little bit less than 1/2". I think 5/8" (or 9/16") diameter balance won't fit.

The weight of the window is 20 pound.

If determined that I need to order S900-28, how should I place the order on blue tip? The blue tip was available on Aug 3, but not now.

Thanks again,

Tom from SWISCO
Aug 11, 2011 8:15 am
Good morning, Allan.

We currently do not have a Blue tip option for the Series 900 Spiral Balance, but we do have a Green tip for the Series 900 (S900-28), which has a Sash Weight Range of 14 - 26 lbs.
Handy Person from Illinois
Aug 11, 2011 4:18 pm

Big Thanks. Order has been placed on green tip S900-28 along with other accessories (26-200, 33-016, and 75-033)

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