What are "options" when ordering channel balances?

Quick Learner from New York
I am looking to replace channel balances that are stamped 1740 and 2740. When I try to order them from your site I am prompted to select options that, for the 1740 offer 1610-1640 and for the 2740 offer 2610-2640, respectively. I see no description of these options. Please assist me. Thank you.
7 Replies
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO

The different options indicate different spring strengths. You can figure this out by looking for the existing stamp on your balance and cross referencing it with our balances, or removing the sash from your window and weighing it on a sash. You can then review the weight chart we show on each balance's store page to verify the best option.

Paul from SWISCO

Determining the best Series is a matter of matching up the plastic fittings to one of the products in our catalog. The video below will clarify exactly what you need to do, step by step. Start here and get back to us if you had any other questions!

Casey from SWISCO

Yes, the 1610 would have a lower strength than 1640. We have a weight chart on each balance's store page that tells you precisely how much weight each stamp supports. You can use that as a reference to determine the best weight option if you have any doubts.

Quick Learner from New York
Last time I ordered replacement channels from series 531 for my vinyl replacement insulated glass sashes. I don't remember what other options I may have chosen. Some of the windows, however, do not stay closed unless locked - is that because the sash is not heavy enough to hold down the spring? I can't weigh them but could supply the measurements if that would determine which option in the 1610-1640 range. Is the difference in the strength of the spring? The sashes are 30" high and approx. 35" wide. Can you give a recommendation? Should I be ordering Series 390? Thank you
Quick Learner from New York
Is the strength of the balance determined by the spring tension? Is 1610 less tension than 1640?
Quick Learner from New York
great. thank you
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